The Evolution of Bail (Right to Bail) in the Digital Age: Challenges and Implications for the Judiciary
The digital age has brought about significant changes in various aspects of human life, including
the legal system. One such area that has seen considerable evolution is the process of granting
bail. With the advent of electronic records and digital evidence, courts now have the capability to
maintain records of bail in electronic form. This advancement presents both opportunities and
challenges for the judiciary. The ease of access and manipulation of electronic documents raises
concerns about the legitimacy and admissibility of electronic evidence in court. Furthermore, the
specialized nature of electronic evidence requires distinct methodologies for investigation and
analysis, which necessitates expert training in the field of cyberspace. This paper explores the
evolution of bail in the digital age, focusing on the challenges and implications for the judiciary,
including the handling of electronic evidence, the role of sureties, and the conditions imposed by
courts after granting bail.